I’m goblinstrong! My part of the blog will generally about the games I play and run, but sometimes about other nonsense. Not only do I care about the hobby in general, but since at least one of these games is run in a library, I also tend to think about the game and how it can be used as a tool for helping children and teens develop. Plus, I just like to talk about nerdy stuff.

Currrently, that means:

DM- Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition for kids and adults. Currently in Ravnica. Level 2.

DM – Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition at home. Level 5.
DM- Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition online. Level 4. Evil party.

Player- Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition in a homebrew setting. Currently surrounded by gnomes. Krend the berserker chef. Level 5.
Player- Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition. Werner the Knight of the White Wolf.